I told every girlfriend I've had for the past 5 years that I have never came from a blowjob They all try to be the first to make me, and they feel like they accomplished something when I do.

I told every girlfriend I've had for the past 5 years that I have never came from a blowjob They all try to be the first to make me, and they feel like they accomplished something when I do. - I told every girlfriend I've had for the past 5 years that I have never came from a blowjob They all try to be the first to make me, and they feel like they accomplished something when I do.  Confession Bear




I take batteries from my kids' toys and use them for my vibrator.

I take batteries from my kids' toys and use them for my vibrator.

I actually like it when guys stare at my boobs it boosts my self esteem

I actually like it when guys stare at my boobs it boosts my self esteem

I wear the same jeans every day

I wear the same jeans every day

Whenever the cleaning guy at work comes near my cube I pretend to do work, because I'm ashamed that he's working his ass off and I'm on reddit.

Whenever the cleaning guy at work comes near my cube I pretend to do work, because I'm ashamed that he's working his ass off and I'm on reddit.

I draw dicks on cars in the school parking lot I'm a teacher

I draw dicks on cars in the school parking lot I'm a teacher

Sometimes when I'm mad at mom I step on cracks on purpose

Sometimes when I'm mad at mom I step on cracks on purpose

My in-laws are visiting and I have an unexpected day off work I put on my scrubs and went to the "hospital" anyway, just to avoid them

My in-laws are visiting and I have an unexpected day off work I put on my scrubs and went to the

Once this picky blonde girl broke into my house and my mom, my dad, and I killed and ate her

Once this picky blonde girl broke into my house and my mom, my dad, and I killed and ate her

I use big complicated words while fighting with my boyfriend Because I know he wont understand and it will shut him up faster.

I use big complicated words while fighting with my boyfriend Because I know he wont understand and it will shut him up faster.
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