Walks into class early, only teacher is there get laid

Walks into class early, only teacher is there get laid  Socially Awesome Penguin

OATMEAL...AGAIN? I blame the government Vote Grumble

OATMEAL...AGAIN? I blame the government Vote Grumble  Pissed old guy

"Dude, stop apologising so much" Oh, sorry

loves "united" states of america displays multiple confederate flags


Person you are talking to starts talking to someone else back away slowly

Person you are talking to starts talking to someone else back away slowly  Socially Awkward Penguin

offers to fill up gas tank if you drive him to the other side of the city actually bro, I forgot my debit card and I only got $5 in cash

offers to fill up gas tank if you drive him to the other side of the city actually bro, I forgot my debit card and I only got $5 in cash  Scumbag Steve

turn on computer, begins counting your ram 512 bytes at a time

turn on computer,
begins counting your ram
 512 bytes at a time  Your First Computer

reddit? Naw, I just looked at the pictures

reddit? Naw, I just looked at the pictures  Redneck Randal

Wendy stood me up she'll never stand again

Wendy stood me up she'll never stand again  Karate Kyle

"You're staying home sick?" Takes the N64 controllers