Attitude: Fuck the police Advice: Call the police

Fuck the police Advice:
Call the police  Reddit Alien

Copies one sentence from wikipedia Expelled from college for plagiarism

Copies one sentence from wikipedia Expelled from college for plagiarism  Bad Luck Brian

Put something on TV stare at other people in the room to make sure they're enjoying it

Put something on TV stare at other people in the room to make sure they're enjoying it  Socially Awkward Penguin

Finally makes it onto a TV show 1000 ways to die

Finally makes it onto a TV show 1000 ways to die  Bad Luck Brian

What if the real reason we bury people in coffins is to keep them trapped as zombies

What if the real reason we bury people in coffins  is to keep them trapped as zombies  conspiracy keanu

What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are 50 cents but Deer nuts are under a buck.

What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are 50 cents but Deer nuts are under a buck.  Bad Joke Eel

Oh you have a big muffler? Your civic must be so fast.

Oh you have a big muffler? Your civic must be so fast.  Condescending Wonka

Calculator? Why not calcunow?

Calculator? Why not calcunow?  High Expectations Asian Father

too old for highschool parties too young for bars

too old for highschool parties too young for bars  First World Problems

Make eye contact while someone is talking to you don't listen, just think about the eye contact

Make eye contact while someone is talking to you don't listen, just think about the eye contact  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin