Have something interesting to contribute to the conversation waited too long and now its not relevant anymore

Have something interesting to contribute to the conversation waited too long and now its not relevant anymore  Socially Awkward Penguin

Falls asleep in class wet dream

Falls asleep in class wet dream  Bad Luck Brian

Photobombs weddingpicture Nobody minds

Photobombs weddingpicture Nobody minds  Ridiculously photogenic guy

Has a Pet rock it runs away

Has a Pet rock it runs away  Bad Luck Brian

Just trimmed fingernails Can't peel my orange

Just trimmed fingernails Can't peel my orange  First World Problems

You attend Yale? Tell me more about how you're the 99%

You attend Yale? Tell me more about how you're the 99%  Condescending Wonka

Seats at the sporting event are too good to win any of the free giveaways

Seats at the sporting event are too good to win any of the free giveaways  First World Problems

So Would transformers have car insurance? Or health insurance?

So Would transformers have car insurance? Or health insurance?  Philosoraptor

Wins a trip to Africa Kidnapped by Kony

Wins a trip to Africa Kidnapped by Kony  Bad Luck Brian

About to wake up in a hotel room with your parents? One boner, please.

About to wake up in a hotel room with your parents? One boner, please.   Scumbag Brain