washer broke used google, youtube, and amazon to fix it myself for $3.97

washer broke used google, youtube, and amazon to fix it myself for $3.97  Success Kid

"Attendance is not mandatory, but if you don't come to class, you won't do well" Challenge accepted.

When I have an argument with my girlfriend I tighten the top of every jar and bottle in the house

When I have an argument with my girlfriend I tighten the top of every jar and bottle in the house  Confession Bear

comes home from vacation lives out of suitcase till all clothes are dirty

comes home from vacation lives out of suitcase till all clothes are dirty  Foul Bachelor Frog

My jaw hurts from eating too much steak

My jaw hurts from eating too much steak  First World Problems

When I hold your balls It's like I'm holding our children

When I hold your balls It's like I'm holding our children  Overly Attached Girlfriend

use bathroom at a girl's house Prove that I washed my hands by commenting on how good the soap smells

use bathroom at a 
girl's house Prove that I washed my
 hands by commenting on
 how good the soap smells  Socially Awkward Penguin

I'm overly polite to people who work in fast food because I know their job is horrible

I'm overly polite to people who work in fast food because I know their job is horrible  Confession Bear

On a train sitting down while some people have to stand Has bag on the seat next to him

On a train sitting down while some people have to stand Has bag on the seat next to him  Scumbag Steve

born male no periods

born male no periods  Success Kid