African american male walks by locks doors

African american male walks by locks doors  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Teacher wants you to help the stupid kid Do his work for him

Teacher wants you to help  the stupid kid Do his work for him  Socially Awkward Penguin

Sees 3 kids walking down the street a Gang

Sees 3 kids walking down the street a Gang  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Bathroom Requires me to get a key from store clerk Was my vietnam

Bathroom Requires me to get a key from store clerk Was my vietnam  Socially Awkward Penguin

makes children apply to 40 top tier colleges went to shitty community college 20 years ago

makes children apply to 40 top tier colleges went to shitty community college 20 years ago  Sheltering Suburban Mom

thinks poor people should just work harder doesn't have to work

thinks poor people should just work harder doesn't have to work  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Student of the Week Bumper sticker from Middle School Still on car after graduation from college

Student of the Week Bumper sticker from Middle School Still on car after graduation from college  Sheltering Suburban Mom

17-year-old daughter's boyfriend is 18 consider pressing statutory rape charges

17-year-old daughter's boyfriend is 18 consider pressing statutory rape charges  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Friend pokes you on facebook uppercut them in the taint!

Friend pokes you on facebook uppercut them in the taint!  Insanity Wolf

Thinks sports are too dangerous to let son play any get upset when he becomes overweight

Thinks sports are too dangerous to let son play any get upset when he becomes overweight  Sheltering Suburban Mom