Thinks sports are too dangerous to let son play any get upset when he becomes overweight

Thinks sports are too dangerous to let son play any get upset when he becomes overweight  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Owns 1080p TV & PS3 connected with composite cable

Owns 1080p TV & PS3 connected with composite cable  Tech Impaired Duck

Don't let son go outside to play Complain that he's always playing videogames

Don't let son go outside to play Complain that he's always playing videogames  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Son throws like a girl Threaten lawsuit unless he can can be a pitcher

Son throws like a girl  Threaten lawsuit unless he can can be a pitcher   Sheltering Suburban Mom

Talk back? Forming opinions? therapy

Talk back? Forming opinions? therapy  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Won't let kids play violent video games Supports war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya

Won't let kids play violent video games Supports war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Diagnoses ADHD in son Berates any psychologist that doesn't see it that way

Diagnoses ADHD in son Berates any psychologist that doesn't see it that way  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Sees F's on your report card Blames ADHD that she diagnosed

Sees F's on your report card  Blames ADHD that she diagnosed  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Son climbs over fence at zoo and gets mauled The animal must die.

Son climbs over fence at zoo and gets mauled The animal
must die.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

If poly means "many" and a tick is a blood-sucking parasite What does politics mean?

If poly means