high y u no be all day

high y u no be all day  Y U No

Sees F's on your report card Yells at the teacher

Sees F's on your report card  Yells at the teacher  Sheltering Suburban Mom

30 disks game #30 doesn't work

30 disks game #30 doesn't work  Your First Computer

I don't always smoke trees But when I do, I corner the bowl

I don't always smoke trees But when I do, I corner the bowl  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Click Print Go get some lunch, come back later

Click Print Go get some lunch,
come back later  Your First Computer

Tells you to study hard in school Doesn't remember anything from high school or college

Tells you to study hard in school Doesn't remember anything from high school or college  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tells kids to eat food because people are starving in Africa Doesn't donate to charity

Tells kids to eat food because people are starving in Africa Doesn't donate to charity  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"Hey, what's up?" "Pretty Good"

I keep my kids in line Daughter gets banged nightly

I keep my kids in line Daughter gets banged nightly  Sheltering Suburban Mom

wake up before anyone else pretend to be asleep when someone walks in

wake up before anyone else pretend to be asleep when someone walks in  Socially Awkward Penguin