Says that having minority friends is okay Lives in all white, gated condo commnity

Says that having minority friends is okay Lives in all white, gated condo commnity  Sheltering Suburban Mom

never lets you out of the house to go see your girlfriend "sorry to hear that she broke up with you"

never lets you out of the house to go see your girlfriend

A walk mans into a bar Dyslexia is not funny

A walk mans into a bar Dyslexia is not funny  Anti-Joke Chicken

"Nothing's wrong" It's a trap!

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart oh you mean Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart oh you mean Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart  Hipster Kitty

see that blue 'e' icon? e stands for internet!

see that blue 'e' icon? e stands for internet!  Tech Impaired Duck

Son kyle takes karate lessons it will help his confidence and social skills

Son kyle takes karate lessons it will help his confidence and social skills  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Demands to drive colossal suv for safety lacks basic spatial reasoning skills

Demands to drive colossal suv for safety lacks basic spatial reasoning skills  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Upvote link about writing letters to Amtrak encouraging them to stand up against the TSA Don't actually write Letter

Upvote link about writing letters to Amtrak encouraging them to stand up against the TSA Don't actually write Letter  Reddit Alien

trip on own foot look back like something was in the way

trip on own foot
 look back like something was in the way  Socially Awkward Penguin