10 Guy

hey man, pull over by that hire fydrant

hey man, pull over by that hire fydrant  10 Guy

Dude, Close the door! You are letting all the dark out

Dude, Close the door! You are letting all the dark out  10 Guy

Dude, from the edge of space You can see the earth of the curvature

Dude, from the edge of space You can see the earth of the curvature   10 Guy

Dude a pushup is like bench pressing earth

Dude a pushup is like bench pressing earth  10 Guy

fly lands on monitor click on it

fly lands on monitor click  on  it  10 Guy

Dude, the best way to die would be burning to death in a house made of weed.

Dude, the best way to die would be burning to death in a house made of weed.  10 Guy

its a race to see who lives first

its a race to see who lives first  10 Guy

Bless you You're welcome

Bless you You're welcome  10 Guy

Dude turn down your music I can't see

Dude turn down your music I can't see  10 Guy


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