Anthropology Major Fox

Somebody refers to the !Kung epic fail

Somebody refers to the !Kung epic fail  Anthropology Major Fox

English majors correct your grammar. Chastise them for insisting on a monoglot standard.

English majors correct your grammar. Chastise them for insisting on a monoglot standard.  Anthropology Major Fox

Go to a cafe and eavesdrop on people next to you Start composing an ethnography in your head

Go to a cafe and eavesdrop on people next to you Start composing an ethnography in your head  Anthropology Major Fox

Find out you have distant cousins doing fieldwork consider begging for an internship

Find out you have distant cousins doing fieldwork consider begging for an internship  Anthropology Major Fox

Ten page paper about Jew's harps play jew's harp instead

Ten page paper about Jew's harps play jew's harp instead  Anthropology Major Fox

hears non-western culture called corrupted Weeps with marshall sahlins

hears non-western culture called corrupted Weeps with marshall sahlins  Anthropology Major Fox

"All religions worship a god and have a heaven and hell." You have awakened the wraith of the spirits.

Criticize Science For only operating within a given culture's framework

Criticize Science For only operating within a given culture's framework  Anthropology Major Fox

professor spends more time searching for right word than actually teaching DFLDKJFJDSFJFSFUIDFFJ

professor spends more time searching for right word than actually teaching DFLDKJFJDSFJFSFUIDFFJ  Anthropology Major Fox

Friend describes a pair of shoes as fierce You immediately think of the Yanomami

Friend describes a pair of shoes as fierce You immediately think of the Yanomami  Anthropology Major Fox
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