Bad Luck Brian

Great new job in Poland August 1939

Great new job in Poland August 1939  Bad Luck Brian

PAys for a prostitute She turns out to be a tranny

PAys for a prostitute She turns out to be a tranny  Bad Luck Brian

Tyler? is that you? see wut happens when you don't chill

Tyler? is that you? see wut happens when you don't chill  Bad Luck Brian

Downloads a movie for the first time gets a virus

Downloads a movie for the first time gets a virus  Bad Luck Brian


New XBOX RED RINGS  Bad Luck Brian

Finally loses virginity aids

Finally loses virginity aids  Bad Luck Brian

Gets his braces removed Distinct stains where the braces used to be

Gets his braces removed Distinct stains where the braces used to be  Bad Luck Brian

Wins front row seats to Skrillex show deaf

Wins front row seats to Skrillex show deaf  Bad Luck Brian

Invents time machine and goes back in time to prevent all the shitty things that has ever happened in his life accidentally makes everything shitty that has happened to him to happen

Invents time machine and goes back in time to prevent all the shitty things that has ever happened in his life accidentally makes everything shitty that has happened to him to happen  Bad Luck Brian

smokes one cigarette CAncer

smokes one cigarette CAncer  Bad Luck Brian
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