
Saw those youngster girls in civvies for the first time... Very nice

Saw those youngster girls in civvies for the first time... Very nice  Borat

Bingo Bango

Bingo Bango  Borat

Vacation i am very excite

Vacation i am very excite  Borat

pause not

pause not  Borat

fried chicken friday great success

fried chicken friday great success  Borat

Snow We so Excite

Snow We so Excite  Borat

Win against cheese very nice

Win against cheese very nice  Borat

You Liked the Sexy time very nice!!!!!!

You Liked the Sexy time very nice!!!!!!  Borat

President of US&A? Very Nice!

President of US&A? Very Nice!  Borat

you funny bro! NAAAAAT!

you funny bro! NAAAAAT!  Borat
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