CSI Miami

School children killed by a man made of sand well, I guess They were hit by a... Sandy Hook

School children killed by a man made of sand well, I guess  They were hit by a... Sandy Hook  CSI Miami

The man had to poop 11 times in one day. well, I guess He got... A shitty day.

The man had to poop 11 times in one day. well, I guess  He got... A shitty day.  CSI Miami

The Utility Belt doesn't even need Batman Well, I guess He's A tool

The Utility Belt doesn't even need Batman Well, I guess He's A tool  CSI Miami

Vandy killed Louisville 10-2 in the first meeting. And that was AT Louisville. It's the post-season. That first meeting means... Barrel-y nothing.

Vandy killed Louisville 10-2 in the first meeting. And that was AT Louisville. It's the post-season.  That first meeting means... Barrel-y nothing.  CSI Miami

it looks like he was drowned in this barrel of vinegar Looks like our victim... is in quite... the pickle

it looks like he was drowned in this barrel of vinegar Looks like our victim... is in quite... the pickle  CSI Miami

Tim Salmon and Mike Trout are two of the best players in LA Angels history! I guess you could say... There's something... In the water.

Tim Salmon and Mike Trout are two of the best players in LA Angels history! I guess you could say... There's something... In the water.  CSI Miami

Amy Winehouse had 5x the legal BAC well, I guess that's why they call she didn't check into rehab.

Amy Winehouse had 5x the legal BAC well, I guess  that's why they call she didn't check into rehab.  CSI Miami

yeah man, the song slowed down, then slowly built up to this brutal bridge, it was awesome! well.... looks like John Otto... brought that beat back.

yeah man, the song slowed down, then slowly built up to this brutal bridge, it was awesome! well.... looks like John Otto... brought that beat back.  CSI Miami

somebody ejaculated in the film well, I guess none of us saw that Cumming

somebody ejaculated in the film well, I guess  none of us  saw that Cumming  CSI Miami

Reddit, I spent 3 months planning and making this for my boyfiends birthday. He dumped me last week Well, I guess we have... ... An overly attached girlfriend

Reddit, I spent 3 months planning and making this for my boyfiends birthday. He dumped me last week Well, I guess  we have... ... An overly attached girlfriend   CSI Miami
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