Confession Bear

I've never watched star wars or the lord of the rings

I've never watched star wars or the lord of the rings  Confession Bear

I Always Downvote Confession Bear

I Always Downvote Confession Bear  Confession Bear

I Live in America And I Call Soccer Football

I Live in America And I Call Soccer Football  Confession Bear

I actually like Tangled

I actually like Tangled  Confession Bear

When I see a stupid person on facebook post something ridiculous I delete them from my friends

When I see a stupid person on facebook post something ridiculous I delete them from my friends  Confession Bear

I couldn't care less about my cake day

I couldn't care less about my cake day  Confession Bear

I still pronounce plaid "Played"

I still pronounce plaid


i HATE MUMFORD AND SONS  Confession Bear

I miss Dane Cook

I miss Dane Cook  Confession Bear

I hate Spiderman

 I hate Spiderman  Confession Bear
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