Dancing Sheep

Haters Gonna hate

Haters Gonna hate  Dancing Sheep

Haters Gonna hate

Haters Gonna hate   Dancing Sheep

Nigga Gangsta I do what i want to

Nigga Gangsta I do what i want to  Dancing Sheep

I do What I Want

I do  What I Want  Dancing Sheep

Everyday Im shufflin

Everyday Im shufflin  Dancing Sheep

i'm in this big ass coat from that thrift shop down tha road

i'm in this big ass coat from that thrift shop down tha road  Dancing Sheep

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Peanut Butter Jelly Time  Dancing Sheep

prancercising before it was cool

prancercising before it was cool   Dancing Sheep


STOP! HAmmer TIME!  Dancing Sheep

Peanut Butter Jelly Time Caption 3 goes here

Peanut Butter Jelly Time Caption 3 goes here  Dancing Sheep
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