First World Guy Problems

Hot girl at gym Isn't as hot up close

Hot girl at gym Isn't as hot up close  First World Guy Problems

I want to jack off but i can't find a fapkin

I want to jack off but i can't find a fapkin  First World Guy Problems

Group of hot girls wearing leggings With GF

Group of hot girls wearing leggings With GF  First World Guy Problems

I want to masturbate but I'm too tired to get it up

I want to masturbate
 but I'm too tired to get it up  First World Guy Problems

Girl wants to come over for sex already masturbated 4 times that day

Girl wants to come over for sex already masturbated 4 times that day  First World Guy Problems

I want to try growing out my facial hair but shaving is so much fun

I want to try growing out my facial hair but shaving is so much fun  First World Guy Problems

I had to shit at work i couldn't hold it until i clocked back in after lunch

I had to shit at work i couldn't hold it until i clocked back in after lunch  First World Guy Problems

My Head is fucking huge

My Head is fucking huge  First World Guy Problems

ipad only has 8% battery remaining charger is 4 feet away

ipad only has 8% battery remaining charger is 4 feet away  First World Guy Problems

testicles are so large hard to find comfortable sleeping position

testicles are so large hard to find comfortable sleeping position  First World Guy Problems
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