Freddie Mercury

Farted without making a sound Everyone thinks it was the fat kid

Farted without making a sound Everyone thinks 
it was the fat kid  Freddie Mercury

Google Doodle

Google Doodle   Freddie Mercury


 LET'S DO THIS  Freddie Mercury

kado sukses bikin ervi seneng nyanyi john lennon sampai besok pagi

kado sukses bikin ervi seneng nyanyi john lennon sampai besok pagi  Freddie Mercury

Some faith in humanity has been restored

 Some faith in humanity has been restored  Freddie Mercury

20+ people like your facebook status "i'm the people's champion"

20+ people like your facebook status

No physics pre-lab let no homework thursday commence

No physics pre-lab let no homework thursday commence  Freddie Mercury

P.S. Mare slusa queen

P.S. Mare slusa queen  Freddie Mercury

How do you feel today? Hint: the answer is "awesome"

How do you feel today? Hint: the answer is


finally!!!   Freddie Mercury
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