Helpful High School Teacher

Noticed you getting picked on for wearing the same pants two days in a row. Wears the same outfit for rest of the school year

Noticed you getting picked on for wearing the same pants two days in a row. Wears the same outfit for rest of the school year  Helpful High School Teacher

I can't let you leave class to go get food but I can let you go to the bathroom and happen to find food while you're there

I can't let you leave class to go get food but I can let you go to the bathroom and happen to find food while you're there  Helpful High School Teacher

Gives worksheet during video "#1's Coming up!"

Gives worksheet during video

has a degree in physical education teaches freshman Algebra

has a degree in physical education teaches freshman Algebra  Helpful High School Teacher

These essays are going to take me a week to grade I'm not giving you any big assignments during that time

These essays are going to take me a week to grade I'm not giving you any big assignments during that time   Helpful High School Teacher

Lost the USb drive with essays Everyone A+

Lost the USb drive with essays Everyone A+  Helpful High School Teacher

Sees you leaving parking lot early Waves

Sees you leaving parking lot early Waves  Helpful High School Teacher

class doesn't understand material postpones test

class doesn't understand material postpones test  Helpful High School Teacher

Knows how long the lunch lines get Ends class five minutes early

Knows how long the lunch lines get Ends class five minutes early  Helpful High School Teacher

Fails your essay Lets you rewrite it so you actually learn

Fails your essay Lets you rewrite it so you actually learn  Helpful High School Teacher
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