Misleading Moriarty

i will cut you a slice of this pumpkin pie

i will cut you a slice of this pumpkin pie  Misleading Moriarty

I'LL MAKE YOU CRY! When we watch Ianto die in Torchwood: Children of Earth together

I'LL MAKE YOU CRY! When we watch Ianto die in Torchwood: Children of Earth together  Misleading Moriarty

I will burn If I don't wear sunscreen

I will burn If I don't wear sunscreen  Misleading Moriarty

I will beat you In this poke war

I will beat you In this poke war  Misleading Moriarty

MOFFAT! Happy birthday.

MOFFAT! Happy birthday.  Misleading Moriarty

Ah... ah.... ah.... AH-- Oh there already is a Sherlock. Sneeze aborted

Ah... ah.... ah.... AH-- Oh there already is a Sherlock. Sneeze aborted   Misleading Moriarty

i will cut you a slice of this birthday cake I made for you

i will cut you a slice of this birthday cake I made for you  Misleading Moriarty

I HOPE YOU KNOW A GOOD DENTIST... Because your teeth are beautiful

I HOPE YOU KNOW A GOOD DENTIST... Because your teeth are beautiful  Misleading Moriarty

No one will ever love you As much as I do

No one will ever love you As much as I do  Misleading Moriarty

OI! Happy birthday.

OI! Happy birthday.  Misleading Moriarty
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