Pickup Line Scientist

I wish I was a virus So I could use you to replicate me

I wish I was a virus So I could use you to replicate me  Pickup Line Scientist

Nice alleles Wanna see how they segregate?

Nice alleles Wanna see how they segregate?  Pickup Line Scientist

Hello, my name is Mike Mike Wolowitz

Hello, my name is Mike Mike Wolowitz  Pickup Line Scientist

If I Had your number: Theyd all be significant digits

If I Had your number: Theyd all be significant digits  Pickup Line Scientist

It must be jelly cause jam don't shake like that.

 It must be jelly cause jam don't shake like that.  Pickup Line Scientist

Hey baby, i've got a problem that's np-hard think you can help me solve it?

Hey baby, i've got a problem that's np-hard think you can help me solve it?  Pickup Line Scientist

Hey girl, those D cups are awesome I mean "These" cups are awesome

Hey girl, those D cups are awesome I mean

are you a library book? because i sure am checking you out

are you a library book? because i sure am checking you out   Pickup Line Scientist

Given an infinite number of universes, statistically: we're dating in n of them, where n≥1 Wanna make it n+1?

Given an infinite number of universes, statistically: we're dating in n of them, where n≥1 Wanna make it n+1?  Pickup Line Scientist

I wish I was an RNA just to have U

I wish I was an RNA   just to have U
  Pickup Line Scientist
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