Progressive Redneck

what'cha call a lib'rul redneck? a blueneck

what'cha call a lib'rul redneck? a blueneck  Progressive Redneck

what i dont get about obama and his kind of people is how they can go to work with republicans every day

what i dont get about obama and his kind of people is how they can go to work with republicans every day  Progressive Redneck

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?  Progressive Redneck

Corporations are people -killing, greed machines and they're outsourcing our American jobs to China

Corporations are people -killing, greed machines and they're outsourcing our American jobs to China  Progressive Redneck

you want the hole in wall fixed? *puts dale earnhardt poster over it

you want the hole in wall fixed?  *puts dale earnhardt poster over it  Progressive Redneck

y'all know what i'd like to say to obama? four more wars

y'all know what i'd like to say to obama? four more wars  Progressive Redneck

i 'm okay with queers gettin' married long as they don't marry me

i 'm okay with queers gettin' married long as they don't marry me  Progressive Redneck

i hate racist jokes you hear juan, ya heard jamal

i hate racist jokes you hear juan, ya heard jamal  Progressive Redneck

nobody gonna stop me from speaking my mind unless of course it veers into illegal hatespeech

nobody gonna stop me from speaking my mind unless of course it veers into illegal hatespeech  Progressive Redneck

Dog Gunnit, I said it before and I'll say it again The stimulus, while a step in the right direction, was far too small to realistically address the systemic failure of the banks that we faced after Lehman. Christina Romer 2012!

Dog Gunnit, I said it before and I'll say it again The stimulus, while a step in the right direction, was far too small to realistically address the systemic failure of the banks that we faced after Lehman.  Christina Romer 2012!  Progressive Redneck
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