Sheltered Suburban Kid

Listens to Kings of Leon OMG Im so Alternative

Listens to Kings of Leon OMG Im so Alternative  Sheltered Suburban Kid

thinks you're a junkie because of a joint does caffeine, adderall,nicotine, sleeping pills. Drinks booze +red bull every weekend

thinks you're a junkie because of a joint does caffeine, adderall,nicotine, sleeping pills. Drinks  booze +red bull every weekend  Sheltered Suburban Kid

Sente Noyz Narcos Automaticamente si dichiara "dura da strada" (prima di tornare a guardare cartoni animati)

Sente Noyz Narcos Automaticamente si dichiara

Im totally from Los Angeles She's really from Santa Clarita

Im totally from Los Angeles She's really from Santa Clarita  Sheltered Suburban Kid

listens to little wayne im so black .

listens to little wayne im so black .  Sheltered Suburban Kid

Dates Scumbag Steve Dumps him for promise of new designer handbag.

Dates Scumbag Steve Dumps him for promise of new designer handbag.  Sheltered Suburban Kid

Oh I'm from right outside nyc from new jersey

Oh I'm from right outside nyc from new jersey  Sheltered Suburban Kid

shops at urban outfitters so hipster

shops at urban outfitters so hipster  Sheltered Suburban Kid

parties hard and blacks out WHY DO BAD THINGS KEEP HAPPENING to me???

parties hard and blacks out WHY DO BAD THINGS KEEP HAPPENING to me???  Sheltered Suburban Kid

Listens to Avril Lavigne Thinks she's a hardcore punk

Listens to Avril Lavigne Thinks she's a hardcore punk  Sheltered Suburban Kid
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