Time constants? I always take a long time to discharge

Time constants? I always take a long time to discharge - Time constants? I always take a long time to discharge  the most interesting nerd in the world


lead-free solder? bitch please

lead-free solder? bitch please

oscillator? i barely know her

oscillator? i barely know her

"Square" wave? then i don't want to be cool

Christmas is coming let's fuck with the griswolds

Christmas is coming let's fuck with the griswolds

who polishes the knobs? go ask your mom

who polishes the knobs? go ask your mom

you can't repair it? what's it like to suck at life?

you can't repair it? what's it like to suck at life?

So you built a website? How cute. When I build things they get plugged in and do things

So you built a website? How cute.  When I build things they get plugged in and do things

Can code in EBCDIC Clock on microwave still wrong

Can code in EBCDIC Clock on microwave still wrong

I don't always always pose for photos But when I do it I am standing in front of entire hertz of processing power.

I don't always always pose for photos But when I do it I am standing in front of entire hertz of processing power.

Watches Hutchison Effect on youtube BRING IT

Watches Hutchison Effect on youtube BRING IT
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