alive during leninism stalinizes leninism

alive during leninism stalinizes leninism - alive during leninism stalinizes leninism  scumbag stalin


Wife Dies Better kill twenty million people

Wife Dies Better kill twenty million people

Doesn't believe in god still a bad person

Doesn't believe in god still a bad person

murder 20 million frontpage for banging 13 y/o

murder 20 million frontpage for banging 13 y/o

Supports a Jewish Homeland In Siberia

Supports a Jewish Homeland
 In Siberia

disagrees with trotsky has trotsky assassinated

disagrees with trotsky has trotsky assassinated

Christians are evil better see if i can kill more people than them

Christians are evil better see if i can kill more people than them

Co-Leads a Communist revolution with you Exiles you to Mexico, has you assassinated.

Co-Leads a Communist revolution with you Exiles you to Mexico, has you assassinated.

implemented a dictatorship, called it "communist" generations later, conservatives unable to correctly define "communism"

implemented a dictatorship, called it

Is Joseph Stalin

 Is Joseph Stalin

why u mad bro? we had a non-agression pact

why u mad bro? we had a non-agression pact
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