Wore a hoodie today Didn't get shot

Wore a hoodie today Didn't get shot - Wore a hoodie today Didn't get shot  Successful White Man


I work hard to provide for my cocaine addiction and alcoholism

I work hard to provide  for my cocaine addiction and alcoholism

Children are our most precious resource Who else is going to make shoes for 14 cents a day?

Children are our most precious resource Who else is going to make shoes for 14 cents a day?

I work hard to give my wife Twice the money I give my hooker

I work hard to give my wife Twice the money I give my hooker

Vacation homes make excellent tax loopholes and hooker graveyards

Vacation homes make excellent tax loopholes and hooker graveyards

I just got a second degree burn from cooking meth in my basement

I just got a second degree burn from cooking meth in my basement

I give my money to the needy in exchange for sex and drugs

I give my money to the needy in exchange for sex and drugs

I firmly believe in ethnic diversity in the workplace How else would the bathrooms get cleaned

I firmly believe in ethnic diversity in the workplace How else would the bathrooms get cleaned

I refuse to do business with Asian sweat shops they pay those kids way too much

I refuse to do business with Asian sweat shops they pay those kids way too much

Earns his six figure accountant salary Making sure millionaires don't pay more than five figures

Earns his six figure accountant salary Making sure millionaires don't pay more than five figures

have to stay late to finish these lines of coke

have to stay late to finish these lines of coke
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