Facebook is sharing the info you put on the internet? call a lawyer, quick!!!

Facebook is sharing
the info you put on the 
internet? call a lawyer, quick!!! - Facebook is sharing
the info you put on the 
internet? call a lawyer, quick!!!  Sarcastic Natalie Portman


You're changing your FaceBook status for the next hour to bring awareness to an issue? you deserve a round of applause

You're changing your FaceBook status for the next hour to bring awareness to an issue? you deserve a round of applause

Oh good for you!

 Oh good for you!

Jadi status lo ada yang nge-like? Ternyata lo sendiri yang nge-like

Jadi status lo ada yang nge-like? Ternyata lo sendiri yang nge-like

4th place? Come i clap for you

4th place? Come i clap for you

People are wishing you a Happy Birthday over Facebook? Wow you must have lots of friends!

People are wishing you a Happy Birthday over Facebook? Wow you must have lots of friends!

Facebook is sharing the info you put on the internet? call a lawyer, quick!!!

Facebook is sharing
the info you put on the 
internet? call a lawyer, quick!!!

You want a fucking cookie?

 You want a fucking cookie?

Come i clap for you

 Come i clap for you

You saw The Hobbit twice!? You deserve a round of applause

You saw The Hobbit twice!? You deserve a round of applause
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