Taking a test? Here, let me play you the song of my people.

Taking a test? Here, let me play you the song of my people. - Taking a test? Here, let me play you the song of my people.  Scumbag Stomach


Class is too quiet? I shall play you the song of my people.

Class is too quiet? I shall play you the song of my people.

Needs to puke Gives you a 1 minute warning

Needs to 
puke Gives you a 1 minute warning

Full of hydrochloric acid Starts to hurt when you eat a donut

Full of hydrochloric acid Starts to hurt when you eat a donut

Knows i'm getting oral sex from boyfriend MAKES gross noises anyway

Knows i'm getting oral sex from boyfriend MAKES gross noises anyway

Teacher pauses DURING lecture to look over her notes MAKES LOUDEST GURGLING NOISE POSSIBLE

Teacher pauses DURING lecture to look over her notes MAKES LOUDEST GURGLING NOISE POSSIBLE

Didnt feed me any breakfast? let me make you feel sick so you cant eat the rest of the day either

Didnt feed me any breakfast? let me make you feel sick so you cant eat the rest of the day either

Doesn't growl Until test starts

Doesn't growl Until test starts

So you're stuck in an exam for 3 hours? Here, have some diarrhea

So you're stuck in an exam for 3 hours? Here, have some diarrhea

Lactose and Intolerant FUCKING LOVES ICE CREAM

Lactose and Intolerant FUCKING LOVES ICE CREAM

Makes hunger noises that sound like gas issues when sitting next to hot girl in class Silence the second class lets out

Makes hunger noises that sound like gas issues when sitting next to hot girl in class Silence the second class lets out
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