president ronald reagan

president ronald reagan - president ronald reagan  80s First World Problems


want to watch tv presidential address on all three channels

want to watch tv presidential address on all three channels

eat delicious eggs for breakfast egg in my beard

eat delicious eggs for breakfast egg in my beard

made "where's the beef" joke no one laughed


bought new video casette player betamax

bought new video casette player betamax

watched mtv all day still haven't seen favorite music video

watched mtv all day still haven't seen favorite music video

got slinky for christmas won't walk down stairs

got slinky for christmas won't walk down stairs

heard vanilla ice this hammer isn't removing it from my head

heard vanilla ice this hammer isn't removing it from my head

ordered something over the phone have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for delivery

ordered something over the phone have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for delivery

bought mc dlt hot side is only lukewarm

bought mc dlt hot side is only lukewarm

try to make phone call rotary dial is stuck

try to make phone call rotary dial is stuck
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