Beats Batman unconscious Stays with him until he wakes up

Beats Batman unconscious Stays with him until he wakes up - Beats Batman unconscious Stays with him until he wakes up  Almost Good Guy Bane


Puts you in prison access to tv, doctor, and exit

Puts you in prison access to tv, doctor, and exit

Excommunicated from the league of shaddows Still fulfills Ra's al Ghul's destiny

Excommunicated from the league of shaddows Still fulfills Ra's al Ghul's destiny

Gets voice modulation with new mask sets it to Sean Connery

Gets voice modulation with new mask sets it to Sean Connery

could kill batman instead places him in a prison with accessible exit that a kid escaped through on her first try

could kill batman instead places him in a prison with accessible exit that a kid escaped through on her first try

knows batman is bruce wayne gives a speech about the truth of harvey dent instead

knows batman is bruce wayne gives a speech about the truth of harvey dent instead

Gets friendzoned doesn't blame talia

Gets friendzoned doesn't blame talia

"Those 3 cops didn't have to die" plans to nuke an entire city

Is about to kill you Caresses your face

Is about to kill you Caresses your face

helps the gotham rogues score touchdown by blowing up the field

helps the gotham rogues score touchdown by blowing up the field

Puts you in prison releases you from existential crisis

Puts you in prison releases you from existential crisis
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