You got your... Freshmen ROTC guys Preps JV Jocks Asian nerds Cool Asians Varsity Jocks Unfriendly black hotties Girls who eat their feelings Girls who don't eat anything Desperate Wannabees Burnouts Sextually active band geeks The greatest people you

You got your... Freshmen ROTC guys Preps JV Jocks Asian nerds
 Cool Asians
 Varsity Jocks Unfriendly black hotties Girls who eat their feelings
 Girls who don't eat anything Desperate Wannabees Burnouts Sextually active band geeks The greatest people you  - You got your... Freshmen ROTC guys Preps JV Jocks Asian nerds
 Cool Asians
 Varsity Jocks Unfriendly black hotties Girls who eat their feelings
 Girls who don't eat anything Desperate Wannabees Burnouts Sextually active band geeks The greatest people you   MerlinMeangirls


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