wow so fake femnist wow

wow so fake femnist wow - wow so fake femnist wow  Not Quite Feminist Phil


but i can't be sexist some of my best friends are women

but i can't be sexist some of my best friends are women

Women should make just as much money as regular people

Women should make just as much money as regular people

stop degrading women they're beautiful, fragile creatures

stop degrading women they're beautiful, fragile creatures

Yeah, I read about male privilege once let me explain it to you

Yeah, I read about male privilege once let me explain it to you

Burn your bra! Show off those tits!

Burn your bra! Show off those tits!

Don't laugh at rape jokes, guys Women are less likely to spread 'em if you do.

Don't laugh at rape jokes, guys Women are less likely to spread 'em if you do.

Stop slut-shaming and let women dress up skanky

Stop slut-shaming and let women dress up skanky

the pill was a liberating invention i never need a condom

the pill was a liberating invention i never need a condom

A woman should be able to get work anywhere a man needs an office assistant

A woman should be able to get work anywhere a man needs an office assistant

The government should do more to help solo-mothers It's hard enough as it is being a MILF

The government should do more to help solo-mothers It's hard enough as it is being a MILF
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