Everyone that agrees with me makes me more Real. I am going to fondle my pile of Likes like worry beads...these are the achievements that will be left when I am gone. Benjamin Franklin

Everyone that agrees with me makes me more Real. I am going to fondle my pile of Likes like worry beads...these are the achievements that will be left when I am gone. Benjamin Franklin  - Everyone that agrees with me makes me more Real. I am going to fondle my pile of Likes like worry beads...these are the achievements that will be left when I am gone. Benjamin Franklin   Ben Franklin


"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" Benjamin Franklin

"Your government is literally Hitler." Benjamin Franklin

"The problem with quotes on the Internet, is that it is hard to verify their authenticity" -Abraham Lincoln

"If you put your penis on something its yours. No one else can eat it." -Benjamin Franklin

got on the $100 bill wasn't ever a president

got on the $100 bill  wasn't ever a president

"I enjoy no other worldly pleasure more - than lying down beside the hearth - stroking Big Ben." - Benjamin Franklin

'Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain -- and most fools do.' -BEN FUCKING FRANKLIN

'Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain -- and most fools do.' -BEN FUCKING FRANKLIN

"Big house, long hallways, got ten bathrooms, I can shit all day" -Benjamin Fraklin

Practical Joke "so then once a year they wake up an hour early"

Practical Joke

The only difference between death and taxes Is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets.

The only difference between death and taxes  Is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets.
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