Racist Terry on institutionalized black subservience: “I'd be fine with it.”

Racist Terry on institutionalized black subservience: “I'd be fine with it.” - Racist Terry on institutionalized black subservience: “I'd be fine with it.”  Racist Terry


Racist Terry says I'm trying to make the best out of a bad situation. I don't need to hear crap from a bunch of hippie freaks living in denial! Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Racist Terry says I'm trying to make the best out of a bad situation. I don't need to hear crap from a bunch of hippie freaks living in denial! Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Racist Terry says Why are you reading memes instead of picking cotton?

Racist Terry says  Why are you reading memes instead of picking cotton?

Object of secret lust for left wing white girls

Object of secret lust for left wing white girls

I'm Here to Bid on Antique Farm Equipment Not bicker with it about politics

I'm Here to Bid on
Antique Farm Equipment Not bicker with it
about politics

You're black and you speak English? You're welcome.

You're black and you speak English?  You're welcome.

Racist Terry wants to know "Why can't we just have segregation?"

Racist Terry wants to know

Racist Terry The sound of his banjo can kill yuppies.

Racist Terry  The sound of his banjo can kill yuppies.

Racist Terry says Blood alone moves the wheels of history.

Racist Terry says  Blood alone moves the wheels of history.

Invites Black Conservatives on Carnival Cruise BACK TO AFRICA

Invites Black Conservatives
on Carnival Cruise BACK TO AFRICA

Racist Terry Never mixes his whites and coloreds while doing laundry

Racist Terry  Never mixes his whites and coloreds while doing laundry
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