If ignoring New Zealand, Australia and Canada were a crime, everybody in America would be on death row

If ignoring New Zealand, Australia and Canada were a crime,  everybody in America would be on death row - If ignoring New Zealand, Australia and Canada were a crime,  everybody in America would be on death row  Stephen Colbert




Agnostics are just atheists Without balls

Agnostics are just atheists  Without balls

They must be fingerprinted. They must have background checks. After all they're trying to get citizenship, not an assault weapon.

They must be fingerprinted.  They must have background checks.   After all they're trying to get citizenship, not an assault weapon.

Jay Cutler. A great QB? Or the greatest QB?

Jay Cutler. A great QB? Or the greatest QB?

I did the minimum Now give me my "A"

I did the minimum Now give me my

Love A great feeling ... or greatest feeling?

Love A great feeling ... or greatest feeling?

Mother dies at age of 92 Dedicates the first five minutes of his show in memory of her life

Mother dies at age of 92 Dedicates the first five minutes of his show in memory of her life

Forever alone level: Future television super-star

Forever alone level: Future television super-star

"Yes, Obama duped young people by not doing every single thing they want. So now they'll all vote Republican. It's like when I want some bread, I won't settle for a half a loaf. Instead, I will have a muffin made of broken glass."

Have you seen 'Reefer Madness'? Pot is a gateway drug. It leads to murder and interracial dating.

Have you seen 'Reefer Madness'? Pot is a gateway drug. It leads to murder and interracial dating.
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