"thumbs up if youre viewer 302" That's me!


I can downvote things? I will destory everyone

I can downvote things? I will destory everyone

Winrar expired? It's ok, i'll just buy the full version

Winrar expired? It's ok, i'll just buy the full version

9Gag? This is the best website ever!

9Gag? This is the best website ever!

my friends in MW3 tell me to use Alt and F4. But my game always crashes before I can see what it does

my friends in MW3 tell me to use Alt and F4. But my game always crashes before I can see what it does

'Ah, the old Reddit switch-a-roo' I better see where this leads

'Ah, the old Reddit switch-a-roo' I better see where this leads

Hey, that's my son! He certainly has gotten a lot done for his first day.

Hey, that's my son! He certainly has gotten a lot done for his first day.

I need some drawing practice... Free art!

I need some drawing practice... Free art!

the government is so good at handling my money... ...I should entrust them with my constitutional rights as well!

the government is so good at handling my money... ...I should entrust them with my constitutional rights as well!

That guy just said my story was cool and he called me bro!

That guy just said my story was cool and he called me bro!

Who, me?? Oh I'm just cruising down the information super highway, that's all!

Who, me?? Oh I'm just cruising down the information super highway, that's all!
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