10 Guy

If you swallow a can of corn You can have corn on the cob by tomorrow

If you swallow a can of corn You can have corn on the cob  by tomorrow  10 Guy

Dude masturbate get the weed smell out

Dude masturbate get the weed smell out  10 Guy

I wish i could play games on my eyelids

I wish i could play games on my eyelids  10 Guy

We Don't Know How Fast The Fastest Fast Is

We Don't Know How Fast The Fastest Fast Is  10 Guy

Dude vomiting is like shitting from your mouth

Dude vomiting is like shitting from your mouth
  10 Guy

3.1415926535 89793238462 64338327950 288419716939

3.1415926535 89793238462 64338327950 288419716939  10 Guy

Your eyes are medium rare

Your eyes are medium rare  10 Guy

What if Avacados and Sushi were on wife swap?

What if Avacados and Sushi were on wife swap?
  10 Guy

Homework? Teachers from Netherlands, he'll understand

Homework?  Teachers from Netherlands, he'll understand
  10 Guy

Dude, snow is like water sand

Dude, snow is like water sand
  10 Guy
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