10 Guy

Opens the car door after hotboxing THAT FEELS DELICIOUS

Opens the car door after hotboxing THAT FEELS DELICIOUS  10 Guy

Be honest with me Are you an imaginary friend?

Be honest with me Are you an imaginary friend?  10 Guy

You can't find your wallet? Do you want me to call it for you?

You can't find your wallet? Do you want me to call it for you?  10 Guy

I'm going to stop calling them french fries and start calling them edible ketchup shovels

I'm going to stop calling them french fries and start calling them edible ketchup shovels   10 Guy

Dude, that shadow moves just like you

Dude, that shadow moves just like you  10 Guy

I can make my own strobelights blinks rapidly

I can make my own strobelights blinks rapidly  10 Guy

You're learning English? What English words don't you know?

You're learning English? What English words don't you know?  10 Guy

Do you want that combo small, medium, or large? root beer

Do you want that combo small, medium, or large? root beer  10 Guy

Friend gets a parking ticket "how fast were you going?"

Friend gets a parking ticket

You know what would be awesome? Glow in the dark candles.

You know what would be awesome? Glow in the dark candles.  10 Guy
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