10 Guy

Yeah man I can do that With my eyes tied behind my back

Yeah man I can do that With my eyes tied behind my back   10 Guy

Dude turn down the TV I can't taste my macaroni

Dude turn down the TV I can't taste my macaroni   10 Guy

Underwater Currents are just liquid wind

Underwater Currents are just liquid wind  10 Guy

Do you think they call cheerios "hellos" in britain?

Do you think they call cheerios

Losing your keys Is like getting robbed by your house

Losing your keys Is like getting robbed by your house
  10 Guy

Did you wake and bake this morning? Yes I woke and boke

Did you wake and bake this morning? Yes I woke and boke   10 Guy

dude, what if we turn the ceiling upside down then where would the balloons go

dude, what if we turn the ceiling upside down then where would the balloons go  10 Guy

i think it's green, no red! ... wait, i forgot that i'm color blind

i think it's green, no red! ... wait, i forgot that i'm color blind  10 Guy

So are the monkeys we have now like, the retarded monkeys or something?

So are the monkeys we have now like, the retarded monkeys or something?  10 Guy

Kief is like a weed reward system

Kief is like a weed reward system  10 Guy
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