10 Guy

I love watching dark side of the moon with the wizard of oz soundtrack playing

I love watching dark side of the moon with the wizard of oz soundtrack playing  10 Guy

Plays Tetris Can't make square block rotate

Plays Tetris Can't make square block rotate  10 Guy

dude, i lost my virginity for the first time yesterday

dude, i lost my virginity for the first time yesterday  10 Guy

Go Drunk Your home

Go Drunk Your home  10 Guy

listen do you smell that?

listen do you smell that?  10 Guy

sell klingowana pieczatke berruta

sell klingowana pieczatke berruta  10 Guy

Tadito do painito nao joga um ratito!

Tadito do painito nao joga um ratito!  10 Guy

ur mom is so fat when she Cross the tv i miss 3 shows

ur mom is so fat  when she Cross the tv i miss 3 shows    10 Guy

Would you like an Apple, Chips, or bread with your meal? I'll just have a water

Would you like an Apple, Chips, or bread with your meal? I'll just have a water  10 Guy

What if when you kiss you breath out part of your soul

What if when you kiss you breath out part of your soul  10 Guy
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