Aging hipster computer nerd

It's not 'Linux' it's 'GNU/Linux'.

It's not 'Linux' it's 'GNU/Linux'.   Aging hipster computer nerd

My first home computer was an IMSAI 8080.

My first home computer was an IMSAI 8080.  Aging hipster computer nerd

Emacs? vi? I use TECO.

Emacs? vi? I use TECO.   Aging hipster computer nerd

I use a C preproccesor feeding into a FORTRAN compiler.

I use a C preproccesor feeding into a FORTRAN compiler.   Aging hipster computer nerd

you asked the kid next door to fix your computer? i grew up on Windows 9x motherf*cker. There is no kid with my knowledge.

you asked the kid next door to fix your computer? i grew up on Windows 9x motherf*cker. There is no kid with my knowledge.   Aging hipster computer nerd

May ASR33 broke again. It's so hard to get parts.

May ASR33 broke again. It's so hard to get parts.  Aging hipster computer nerd

Aspie or coder? YOU CANT TELL!

Aspie or coder? YOU CANT TELL!   Aging hipster computer nerd

It's not creepy wonka it's condescending wonka

It's not creepy wonka it's condescending wonka   Aging hipster computer nerd

Time to pick a new anime for the club to watch Suggests Hentai. Again.

Time to pick a new anime for the club to watch Suggests Hentai. Again.   Aging hipster computer nerd

xcom is now streamlined? let's just streamline on it again to be sure

xcom is now streamlined? let's just streamline
on it again to be sure   Aging hipster computer nerd
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