Angry Cat

So this dave guy pissed in my litter box

So this dave guy pissed in my litter box  Angry Cat

Get this thing Away from me!

Get this thing Away from me!  Angry Cat

'twas the night before christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse Because i killed him

'twas the night before christmas, when all through the house
not a creature  was stirring, not even a mouse Because i killed him  Angry Cat

meow mix? try again, puny human

meow mix? try again, puny human  Angry Cat

You win this round steam. Just take the money and go.

You win this round steam. Just take the money and go.  Angry Cat

Yes we have a drinking fountain but don't ask me why the water is yellow.

Yes we have a drinking fountain but don't ask me why the water is yellow.  Angry Cat

ya, I shave my armpits it makes me aerodynamic when I fight

ya, I shave my armpits it makes me aerodynamic when I fight  Angry Cat

Oh you're in law school? i'm sorry

Oh you're in law school? i'm sorry  Angry Cat

"NO" "NOmeo, doff thy name, and for that name which is no part of thee, take all myself." ~Shakespeare NOmeo: Juliet:

I do love a red laser dot on your forehead

I do love a red laser dot on your forehead  Angry Cat
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