Anti-Joke Chicken

What's the last thing that went through the flies mind as it hit the windshield? Its butt

What's the last thing that went through the flies mind as it hit the windshield? Its butt  Anti-Joke Chicken

billy was on sad street and dropped his ice-cream. why? the stupid fucker got hit by a bus

billy was on sad street and dropped his ice-cream. why? the stupid fucker got hit by a bus  Anti-Joke Chicken

I love Rina <3

I love Rina <3  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did little johnny not know what time it was? it's hard to tell time from the inside of a coffin.

Why did little johnny not know what time it was? it's hard to tell time from the inside of a coffin.  Anti-Joke Chicken

whats big flabby and smells like your mom's ass? your mom's ass

whats big flabby and smells like your mom's ass? your mom's ass  Anti-Joke Chicken

Knock, knock! Who's there? The IRS

Knock, knock!
Who's there? The IRS  Anti-Joke Chicken

Knock knock whose there girl scouts

Knock knock whose there girl scouts  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did postman pat deliver the post? it was the right thing to do

Why did postman pat deliver the post? it was the right thing to do  Anti-Joke Chicken

wHATS WORSE than stpepping in water while wearing socks? the holocaust

wHATS WORSE than stpepping in water while wearing socks? the holocaust  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did hitler kill 6,000,000 jews? population control

Why did hitler kill 6,000,000  
jews? population control  Anti-Joke Chicken
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