Anti-Joke Chicken

yo momma's so fat that she should probably be alarmed about the advanced risk for heart disease and diabetes

yo momma's so fat that she should probably be alarmed about the advanced risk for heart disease and diabetes  Anti-Joke Chicken

Eta Kooram Nah Smech!

Eta Kooram  Nah Smech!  Anti-Joke Chicken

ALL the kids were playing doctor, exept for hector he didn`t have any friends

ALL the kids were playing doctor, exept for hector he didn`t have any friends  Anti-Joke Chicken

A chicken crosses the road a driver swerves out of the way and crashes down a cliff, which kills him and his family instantly

A chicken crosses the road a driver swerves out of the way and crashes down a cliff, which kills him and his family instantly  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did I cross the road? There was a black guy approaching

Why did I cross the road? There was a black guy approaching  Anti-Joke Chicken

what is long, hard, and full of semen? my penis

what is long, hard, and full of semen?  my penis   Anti-Joke Chicken

There once was a man from Nantucket He's dead now

There once was a man from Nantucket He's dead now  Anti-Joke Chicken

Did you hear the one about the mouse that ate my egg? Nobody else did either.

Did you hear the one about the mouse that ate my egg? Nobody else did either.  Anti-Joke Chicken

you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit like i'm going to eat chicken salad

you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit like i'm going to eat chicken salad  Anti-Joke Chicken

Chicken Chicken Chicken What combo you pickin?

Chicken Chicken Chicken What combo you pickin?  Anti-Joke Chicken
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