Anti-Joke Chicken

what time is it when you run out of ice cream? time to die

what time is it when you   run out of ice cream? time to die  Anti-Joke Chicken

How did the presentation on anti-humor end? With a predictable anticlimax

How did the presentation on anti-humor end? With a predictable anticlimax  Anti-Joke Chicken

Roses are red, violets are blue.... I've got a gun. Get in the van.

Roses are red, violets are blue.... I've got a gun. Get in the van.  Anti-Joke Chicken

What do you call an Arab man flying a plane A Pilot

What do you call an Arab man flying a plane A Pilot  Anti-Joke Chicken

so a black guy walks into a bank... and asks if he can deposit some money

so a black guy walks into a bank... and asks if he can deposit some money  Anti-Joke Chicken

Esta Ricardo Meruano cesante y le avisan que va a actuar en el festival entonces me llama para que sea su guionista

Esta Ricardo Meruano cesante y le avisan que va a actuar en el festival entonces me llama para que sea su guionista  Anti-Joke Chicken

abrellbama says: Take that gamecock fans.

abrellbama says: Take that gamecock fans.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are the Letters used to define bra sizes, but couldn't figure out what the letters stood for? In 1932, the S.H. Camp and Company correlated the size and pendulousness of a woman's breasts to letter

Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are the Letters used to define bra sizes, but couldn't figure out what the letters stood for? In 1932, the S.H. Camp and Company correlated the size and pendulousness of a woman's breasts to letter  Anti-Joke Chicken

What do you call a frozen lesbian? A murder victim

What do you call a frozen lesbian? A murder victim  Anti-Joke Chicken

ana deek t3ala chicken don't talk ...i'm serious

ana deek t3ala chicken don't talk ...i'm serious  Anti-Joke Chicken
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