Anti-Joke Chicken

why did the chicken cross the road? to escape the gruesome death awaiting him in the slaughterhouse

why did the chicken cross the road? to escape the gruesome death awaiting him in the slaughterhouse  Anti-Joke Chicken

do you know what's not a joke? womens rights

do you know what's not a joke? womens rights  Anti-Joke Chicken

what do you call a man with no arms and no legs in a swimming pool? an inspiration to us all.

what do you call a man with no arms and no legs in a swimming pool? an inspiration 
to us all.  Anti-Joke Chicken

What do you say to a black man flying a plane? "Nigga stole my plane."

What do you say to a black man flying a plane?

"Knock knock." "Who's there?" "THE POLICE, OPEN UP."

I believe they're called a Count.

I believe they're called a Count.  Anti-Joke Chicken

That's no chicken It's just a cock

That's no chicken It's just a cock  Anti-Joke Chicken

What do you call a lesbian in a dress? A lesbian

What do you call a lesbian in a dress? A lesbian  Anti-Joke Chicken

como yanko toka la bateria en genitals worms? muy bn.tiene tanto ritmo ke kuesta creer ke un humano pueda tokar tan rapido y cn tanta precicion

como yanko toka la bateria en genitals worms? muy bn.tiene tanto ritmo ke  kuesta creer ke un humano pueda tokar tan rapido y cn tanta precicion
  Anti-Joke Chicken

Vegetarian? But the rice has animals in it now!

Vegetarian? But the rice has animals in it now!  Anti-Joke Chicken
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