Anti-Joke Chicken

What's brown and sticky? A stick

What's brown and sticky? A stick  Anti-Joke Chicken

I'm on a seafood diet I'm eating strictly aquatic animals to gain nutritional proteins to live a healthier lifestyle.

I'm on a seafood diet I'm eating strictly aquatic animals to gain nutritional proteins to live a healthier lifestyle.  Anti-Joke Chicken

a priest and a rabbi walked into a bar they realized it was a bar and walked out

a priest and a rabbi
walked into a bar they realized it was a bar and walked out  Anti-Joke Chicken

u mad bro ?

u mad  bro ?  Anti-Joke Chicken

What do you do when the chemist dies? Laugh

What do you do when the chemist dies? Laugh  Anti-Joke Chicken

how many babies does it take to paint a wall matters how hard you throw them

how many babies does it take to paint a wall matters how hard you throw them  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the chicken cross the road? -_-

Why did the chicken cross the road? -_-  Anti-Joke Chicken

knock, knock? Who's there? To. To who? No! To Whom!

knock, knock? Who's there? To.  To who? No!  To Whom!  Anti-Joke Chicken

who made king arthur's round table? a carpenter.

who made king arthur's round table? a carpenter.  Anti-Joke Chicken

look in my eye see dead people

look in my eye see dead people  Anti-Joke Chicken
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