Anti-Joke Chicken

What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer? We're both lawyers!

What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer? We're both lawyers!  Anti-Joke Chicken


 oven  Anti-Joke Chicken

What did the boy without arms or legs get for christmas? cancer

What did the boy without arms or legs get for christmas? cancer  Anti-Joke Chicken

2 girls 1 cup Poor girl can't drink. Where the fuck is the 2nd cup?

2 girls 1 cup Poor girl can't drink. Where the fuck is the 2nd cup?  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the kid drop his Ice cream cone ? He got hit by a bus.

Why did the kid drop his Ice cream cone ? He got hit by a bus.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Your mother is so fat It affects her self esteem

Your mother is so fat It affects her self esteem  Anti-Joke Chicken

Whats Green and has wheels? Grass, I lied about the wheels

Whats Green and has wheels? Grass,
 I lied about the wheels  Anti-Joke Chicken

So this jew one the hot dog eating contest. They weren't kosher.

So this jew one the hot dog eating contest. They weren't kosher.  Anti-Joke Chicken

goes to dentist pays a $1500 bill

goes to dentist pays a $1500 bill  Anti-Joke Chicken

What's brown and sticky? A Stick

What's brown and sticky? A Stick  Anti-Joke Chicken
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