Asshole driver

Northern Virginia Driver Honks before light turns green

Northern Virginia Driver Honks before light turns green  Asshole driver

Texting while driving is dangerous Except when I do it

Texting while driving is dangerous Except when I do it  Asshole driver

pulls out right in front of you goes 30 under the speed limit

pulls out right in front of you goes 30 under the speed limit  Asshole driver

Pulls into oncoming traffic to pass you on highway Exits at the very next offramp

Pulls into oncoming traffic to pass you on highway Exits at the very next offramp  Asshole driver

no matter what i do you're the asshole

no matter what i do you're the asshole  Asshole driver

Drinks and drives

Drinks and drives  Asshole driver

Merges into an empty, far right hand lane at a long red light has no intention of turning right

Merges into an empty, far right hand lane at a long red light has no intention of turning right  Asshole driver

   Asshole driver

drives like asshole, never uses blinker, and takes his sweet ass time to park has "coexist" bumper sticker on back of his car

drives like asshole, never uses blinker, and takes his sweet ass time to park has

about to sideswipe you while changing lanes staring at you the whole time

about to sideswipe you while changing lanes staring at you the whole time  Asshole driver
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