Bad Luck Brian

1000 mile drive home Car wont start

1000 mile drive home Car wont start  Bad Luck Brian

Bell rings for last day of school ever Dies

Bell rings for last day of school ever Dies  Bad Luck Brian

wants to live to be oldest man alive dies after thought

wants to live to be oldest man alive 
dies after thought  Bad Luck Brian

Checks reddit at 2am to see if it is cake day before falling asleep. Sleeps through cake day without making a post.

Checks reddit at 2am to see if it is cake day before falling asleep. Sleeps through cake day without making a post.  Bad Luck Brian

takes a shower he drops the soap

takes a shower he drops the soap  Bad Luck Brian

paypal sends him a mail "congratulations, you have won 500 €" mail was sent due to a system error to all customers

paypal sends him a mail

Tries to type /suicide in a video game Spells it wrong

Tries to type /suicide in a video game Spells it wrong  Bad Luck Brian

parents get divorced neither parents fight for custody

parents get divorced neither parents fight for custody  Bad Luck Brian

get's all the co-op players they all left the game

get's all the co-op players  they all left the game  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a street named after himself It gets bulldozed

Gets a street named after himself It gets bulldozed  Bad Luck Brian
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